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這個團體深信,台灣可以成為一個很偉大的國家,我們的信心來自「小可以改變大」的浪漫情懷。 這個團體深信,天地間有一股至純至性的力量,會護佑心地單純正直的人。我們殷盼,將這份自然素樸的信仰,變成台灣文化,並輸出到世界各地。 透過由衷的呼吸,虔誠的舉止,體會天的公義、地的厚實、人的尊貴,很柔軟流動的呼喚出每個人本自具足的真心,以人同此心、心同此理,來面對對立,走出差異。 邀請您來共襄盛舉,醞釀最前衛、最浪漫的心靈改革! 生命教育的宗旨 就是找回對人性真正的信心,透過三個面向來推廣: 以心靈體操向內探索∼向身體學習自然、單純、無偽,在無我的呼吸中,淬煉出最可交心交重的人格特質。 以關係倫理水平推出∼將對自身的尊重與自然,推廣到人與人之間最真誠流動的愛,愛人如己。 以生命美學連天接地∼接上天地間至純至性的心,正視並含容整個世間的苦難,只做自己的最真! Dharma Lineage Dharma Lineage is a non-profit organization, founded in 1998 by a community of mindful and compassionate people in Taiwan. What is dharma? Dharma (Sanskrit) is the natural law that upholds the world. Dharma practice means to be truthful and respectful of one’s true nature. The daily practice includes meditation, prayer, and mindfulness in relationships. By virtue of its faith in the Dharma, Dharma Lineage also extends its concern to civil awareness and transitional justice in Taiwan. Due to its colonial history and current political climate, Taiwan’s past human rights violations have still not been fully addressed. Its fledgling democracy is constantly being challenged. By encouraging individuals to stand up for universal human rights, Dharma Lineage hopes to help build a society that will allow everyone to fully realize his/her true nature.